In this project, I was able to nalyze and modify an existing ChatBot program by optimizing the memory management using smart pointers, move semantics, etc.
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Project: System Monitor
A Udacity Project
In this project, I was able to build a system monitor application similar to htop!
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Project: Developing an AI application
A Udacity Project
In this project, I was able to train an image classifier to recognize different species of flowers.
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Project: Finding Donors for CharityML
A Udacity Project
In this project, you will employ several supervised algorithms of your choice to accurately model individuals’ income using data collected from the 1994 U.S. Census.
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Opening new i3 terminals in the same working directory
I’ve recently started using i3 and I absolutely love it.
I quickly got annoyed with having to cd to the current directory each time I opened a new pane.
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