I spent nearly 10 years at Umass Dartmouth - dual B.S. in computational math and Accounting; Ph.D. in EAS, Computational Science and Engineering. This week, I returned as an alumni give an hour talk about some of research and an overview of what I spend my time on as a...
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My very first professional Mini-symposium
This year at SIAM CSE, along with a co-worker at the lab, I submitted a proposal
for a mini-symposium titled: Partitioned and Adaptive Methods for Initial Value Problems.
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Installing NVIDIA cuDNN, PyTorch, and FastAI
Machine Learning and Deep Learning Software Setup
In this note, I detail a step-by-step instruction I followed to setup software on NVIDIA-based “Deep Learning Box”.
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How I Use Git
Version control
Overtime, I’ve collected a lot of git aliases and adopted some recommended git workflow. This post summarizes how I now use git for almost everything.
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Setup OS X Development environments
Development environment set up
Back in grad school, even during my time in undergrad, I would always do a fresh OS install once the academic year was completed. This was to remove software I no longer needed (when I was mainly using Windows) that were now bloatware and to extend the life of my...
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