Convert Video to GIF

GIFs are popular now than before. They are useful because many media players like Real Video Player, Windows Media and other formats required a special codec and/or browser plugin. Though better video stands now exists in modern day browsers, GIFs still remain popular. [Read More]

Python GPU computing through Numba

Numba supports CUDA-enabled GPU with compute capability (CC) 2.0 or above with an up-to-data Nvidia driver. However, it is wise to use GPU with compute capability 3.0 or above as this allows for double precision operations. Anything lower than a 3.0 CC will only support single precision. Now if you’re... [Read More]

Python: Numpy Broadcasting

It’s simple: Arrays with different sizes cannot be used in binary arithmetic operations. One of the very first lessons learned in any linear algebra course. Binary operations on arrays of the same size are performed on an element-by-element-basis. [Read More]
Tags: python, numpy